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Kreisrechner Bunjakowski


Der Kreisrechner von Bunjakowski


1 Maschinendaten

Firma.............: unbekannt
Hersteller*.......: unbekannt ...
Ort, Land.........: Russland
Maße (LxBxH)......:
Maße (LxBxH)......:
Gewicht...........: g
Eingabe mit.......: Tasten
System............: Kreisrechner
Produziert........: 1867

2 Beschreibung

Das gezeigte Modell wird im Polytechnischen Museum Moskau aufbewahrt. Es ist das einzige bekannte Exemplar. (Man beachte das kleine Rechenbrett links vorn). Eine Abbildung findet sich in Pribory_I_Instrumenty Foto 12. Die Maschine wird dort 'Samostschoty von Bunjakowski' bezeichnet.
Zum Aufbau:
In 1867, Bunyakovskiy made an adding machine, which he called "Samoschoty" (Auto-Abacus), mainly for census needs. It was a revolving metal ring with the numbers from 0 to 9, written on its outer edge three times. A handle in the shape of a small curved shaft tipped with a ball (of bone) was attached to it near each number. Two rows of numbers from 1 to 14 in big and small characters are written on the upper half of the ring. The big numbers are set in an increasing order, while the small numbers are set into decreasing order (14 to 1). The big numbers are used for addition, whereas the small numbers are used for subtraction. A metal plank with reading windows is placed over the ring along its diameter and fixed to the unmovable part of the device. On the plank, there are also 'reading pinions' with handles, which are used for setting the ring into the initial (zero) position. There is a tooth on the ring placed between numbers 0 and 9 (three teeth altogether) which touches the right reading pinion, turning it one tooth at a time. The corresponding number appears in the reading window. The mechanism is mounted in a wooden box, in which the little abacus and blackboard are also placed. Numbers smaller than 14 could be added (subtracted) directly, but the operations with bigger numbers were performed in the first decimal places, then in the second, etc., rank by rank. The counter's total capacity was 999. By adding one more wheel, it could be easily increased to 9999, etc.
(Aus Igor A. Apokin: Bunyakovskiy and his "Auto-Abacus" translated by Alexander Y. Nitussov; Dank an Timo Leipälä für den Beitrag)

Konstrukteur*.....: Bunjakowski

3 Literatur


Der unbekannte Kreisrechner auf Foto 13 in Majstrow & Petrenko (Foto: Stephan Weiss)

4 Bemerkungen

5 Patente

6 Literatur

7 Weblinks

8 Seriennummern

9 Allgemeine Anmerkungen

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